Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Analysing The Culture Of Ancient Rome Religion Essays
Analysing The Culture Of Ancient Rome Religion Essays Analysing The Culture Of Ancient Rome Religion Essay Analysing The Culture Of Ancient Rome Religion Essay In ancient Rome, non unlike today, a kid s first lessons came from the parents ( largely mother because the male parent was busy most of the clip ) . This is much like any kid in the U.S. today. After a male reached about six old ages of age he began larning the Torahs, history and physical preparation from his male parent, and in some instances, with the aid of male slaves. I would compare this in my ain life as my pa learning me right from incorrect, reading me books about the more recent wars, learning me to catch a baseball and subscribing me up for small conference when I was immature. The females were allowed to larn their female parent s responsibilities, as to fix to be a good married woman. The best that a male could make was to larn to be a great, influential talker so that he could do his manner onto the political phase. This holds true today ; if you have the personal appeal and fluid speech production ability ( being born into the right household besides helps a batch ) you can seek your fortune in the political circle. Notice I did non advert anything about cognition or ethical motives. The Roman society was a patriarchal 1. This is apparent in the male parent holding entire control of his belongings and everyone within it. It was besides apparent in the fact that girls were taught by their female parents from birth and neer allowed to derive the proper cognition to travel up in society the manner a boy was. This ensured the prominence of work forces in their society. Today, I believe things are a batch different but that we are still a patriarchal society. Although there are state of affairss that differ from the norm, such as single-mother households and sapphic households, the bulk of all households still look to the male parent to do the determinations and to take the incrimination if the determinations fail. Most female parents do the shopping and cookery, unless it s grilling. The female parents do most of the care-taking of the kids still unless the household can afford a nursemaid ( servant ) . One case in Petronius The Satyricon that truly brings that out is when Trimalchio has his retainers blare for Fortunata several times for her to come into the room to see with their friends. My married woman would non stand for that. If I called for her once or came to acquire her she would kindly admit me but if I had everyone in the house shouting her name she would be embarrassed and infuriated. It would non be a good eventide for me subsequently. Patrick Kelley pg. 2 There was a lecherousness for power and wealth merely as there is today. I believe that the Romans grew to understand that with a life in political relations came great wealth and power. Just as today, that encouraged people to make to achieve those places for the incorrect grounds and at all costs. That was portion of the ground for the prostration of Rome as it is portion of our economic and leading convulsion today. Cipher can truly anticipate to transport the wealth and power they accumulate to the hereafter but for some ground we see people even today rushing to achieve as much wealth as possible merely to decease seizing it. Why? ? Merely for the acknowledgment? Just for the bang? Nobody truly knows. But we all know that it does non go through on with us. In the instance of Trimalchio, he came from bondage and had a great amount of money bestowed onto him through an heritage from his maestro. One would believe that he would amp ; acirc ; Ãâ ?break the concatenation A ; acir c ; Ãâ A? of actions that he had been cursed to defy all his life but he continued them with a retribution, it seems. You still see people like this today. In North Korea, Kim Jong-Il seems to be such a character. Never a slave as Trimalchio was but he has alienated his state from the universe in an effort to look like a God to his people. He hoards all the state s resources and merely tells them what he wants them to hear, whether it be right or incorrect. He has an extended group of followings that move on his every bid to construct shrines and statues of him. I am certain before he dies he will committee a big cosmetic grave built for his entombment. The Roman civilization revolved around A ; acirc ; Ãâ ?doers A ; acirc ; Ãâ A? but they were more like multi-taskers if you ask me. They were a well-versed civilisation that could still take over another instead expeditiously. They were non interested in larning the humanistic disciplines or the finer things but more of the cognition that could let them to last and turn their imperium. They did necessitate to understand the linguistic communication, Torahs and authorities but that was about all of the book knowledge most of them cared to pass their clip on. In some ways we have establishments like this today. We have military academies that train soldiers. Although they offer really intense and honoring instructions they besides train plebes for a military life that will heighten the state s hereafter every bit good as their ain. We do hold many more careers and calling waies to partake in than the Romans did so our schools and colleges now teach a much broader base course of s tudy which allows us to analyze the finer things so that we may broaden our skylines or even go on to learn, ourselves. Merely as today, the Romans besides had those who trained intensely in rhetoric and persuasion. Two such illustrations of this would be Encolpius and Ascyltus from The Satyricon. They were both students of Agamemnon, who had to larn his instructions from another, besides. Merely as the Romans, I fear that we are heading down the route to the extinction of the Great American Empire. It seems as though we, as civilisations, do hold a life-cycle and that rhythm merely holds up every bit long as we feel we have something to be afraid of. We have been known as a universe world power for a twosome hundred old ages. We are afraid of things in this state but they are the incorrect things ; such as slaying, deficiency of wealth, beauty and power, and Armageddon. All of these existed in Rome before the autumn of the imperium. Murder will ever be a job but when it occurs like a pox inside your ain metropolis walls you are doomed to fall. When the wealthy are able to exponentially turn their wealth so the in-between category disappears. The money had to come from someplace and the hapless had none to lose. Patrick Kelley pg. 3 This happened in Rome and is get downing to truly pick up velocity here. I have noticed it ; hold you? When there is no in-between category all you have are a few truly rich people and a batch of truly hapless people. Who supports the economic system if everyone with money is stashing it? A batch of people are disquieted about Armageddon. The paranoia created by these feelings is what causes people to move and respond in ways that will convey an imperium or the full universe down. This besides happened during the terminal of the Roman imperium. If the natural terminal of civilisation comes there will be nil that can be done, although we will seek. Although our vision of beauty is different from the Roman vision of beauty we still gravitate to it like it was our God. Merely as we do today, the Romans gave their wealths off to beauty. This was seen in The Satyricon when Trimalchio received such a big heritage from his maestro. He did non maintain Trimalchio around all that clip merely because he watched over the place. He was infatuated with Trimalchio and kept him around for the sexual partnership. Trimalchio said he besides satisfied his maestro s married woman and I believe him because he said he was nt one to tout. Hopefully America does non go on down the same well-lit and easy accessible way as Trimalchio and Rome. It is ever that way that is easy to take and Trimalchio lit the torches. Hopefully America does non blow her horn so aloud that the fire brigade comes and when she turns back around all her dinner invitees are gone. THE End
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Maestria en Administracion. Essays - Popular University Of Cesar
Maestria en Administracion. Essays - Popular University Of Cesar Maestria en Administracion. Materia: Problemas actuales en Mexico. Criterios de evaluacion. 1. Cuestionarios, Reportes, Lecturas..30% 2. Examen Parcial 1....20% 3. Ensayo......30% 4. Examen Parcial 2....20% Portada. 1. BUAP. 2. FCP. 3. Nivel - Maestria en Administracion. 4. Generacion: otono 2016. 5. Tarea no. 1 - Fecha: -. 6. Nombre del estudiante. 7. Profesora: Dra. Blanca H. Morales Vazquez. Prueba diagnostica. 1. Por que la economia es una ciencia? La economia es una ciencia porque elabora sus principios, conceptos (recoger y abarcar con la mente y no con los sentidos), categorias (aquella que parece abarcarlo todo, p.e; el cosmos, el mundo, naturaleza y la realidad / -, edad media, revolucion cientifica, post modernidad), axiomas (principio matematico a partir del cual se hacen, principios, postulados (principios matematicos), leyes y teorias (principios de la tributacion, A. Smith). Tambien porque es objetiva, racional, metodica, tiene una aplicacion general, validez universal, es atemporal y es progresiva. La economia se sustenta en la aplicacion, ademas de diferentes metodos cientificos de investigacion. 2. En que reside e problema economico? En teoria economica este se explica a traves de 4 preguntas fundamentales. El problema economico es; 2.1 Que producir? En funcion de los recursos naturales 2.2 Como producir? En funcion de la tecnologia con la que opera el sistema economico 2.3 Cuanto producir? En base la poblacion y al nivel de ingresos, es decir; en base al volumen. 2.4 Para quien producir? El consumo depende del nivel de ingresos. Problemas economicos: Pobreza, desigualdad, concentracion del ingreso y la riqueza, inflacion, insuficiencia alimentaria (disminucion de las importaciones agricolas), deuda externa, depreciacion del tipo de cambio, desempleo y la educacion (superior). 3. Cuales son las metas economicas? Las metas economicas en teoria economica son de gran utilidad porque nos permiten evaluar la conduccion de la politica economica. Tienen por objeto generar mayor numero de empleos, debe controlar la inflacion (no dejar que se dispare), promover el crecimiento economico (tiene que ver con niveles mas elevados de la produccion), promover el desarrollo economico (mejores niveles de vida para la poblacion, p.e; empleo para acceso a la salud, vivienda, alimentacion, educacion, infraestructura), fomentar una autonomia economica, promover una libertad economica y la septima meta tiene que ver con la sostenibilidad ecologica. Cuando una economia esta en crisis toman una fraccion de las reservas y los inyecta el sistema economico para la creacion de empleos. 4. Que elementos conforman con la politica economica? La politica economica esta conformada por cinco ejes, la politica fiscal, politica funcionaria, politica monetaria, politica bancaria y politica comercial. Son cinco ejes (politicas) y los primeros cuatro son detonantes para impulsar la politica comercial. Todo sistema economico tiene factores productivos, que son los recursos naturales, trabajo de los hombres, trabajo calificado y capital (K), convergen (se suman) y dan origen a la produccion. En un sistema economico estan los organizadores de la produccion; Participacion gubernamental nacional. PEMEX y CFE. Participacion privada nacional. TELMEX, etc. Participacion privada extranjera. Volkswagen, AUDI, etc. Los organizadores de la produccion dan origen a lo que nosotros conocemos como aparato productivo o estructura productiva, los cuales son los cimientos del sistema economico. El aparato economico esta conformado por: 1. Agricultura, 2. Industria y 3. Servicios y comercio. El aparato productivo esta conformado por los 1. Recursos naturales, 2. Trabajo de los hombres, 3. Trabajo calificado y 4. Capital. 1, 2. Flujo nominal. Guanacias, beneficios, intereses, rentas y salarios los cuales representan a la demanda. 3,4. Flujo real. Bienes y servicios los cuales representan a la oferta. El flujo nominal (demanda) y el flujo real (oferta) convergen en el mercado (satisfaccion de la sociedad). El excedente via exportaciones y divisas. 5. Que entendemos por sistema economico? Sistema economico. Se puede definir como un conjunto de monedas existentes y concurrentes en un periodo determinado para un pais. Definicion de sistema economico. Castro y Lessa "Introduccion al sistema economico un enfoque estructuralista." Primer eje que respalda un sistema monetario. Esta respaldado por piedras (rubis, esmeraldas y diamantes) y metales preciosos (oro y plata). Segundo eje PETROBONOS. Tercer eje CETES y el cuarto eje son las DIVISAS (obtenidas a traves de la exportacion). 1. Sistema economico. 2. Factores de produccion. 3. Organizadores de la produccion. 4. Aparato o estructura productiva. 5. Absorcion de los factores. (K). 6. Sectores: agricultura, industria, servicios. 7. Flujo nominal. 8. Flujo real. 9. Oferta. 10. Demanda. 11. Mercado. 12. Aumentar el volumen de las exportaciones. 6. Cual es el objeto de estudio de la economia? La economia como ciencia estudia hechos y fenomenos economicos y trata de resolver los principales problemas economicos: pobreza, desigualdad, concentracion del ingreso
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Kant Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Kant - Research Paper Example My reasoning is based on the thinking that Kant was of the opinion that if the offender committed murder that he must die because there was no possible substitute that could satisfy justice. Put another way, ââ¬Å"there is no parallel between death and even the most miserable life. There is no equality of crime and retribution unless the perpetrator is judicially put to death.â⬠(Pojman, 1998, p. 29) The example that is given by Kant is that if a society lived on an island and decided to disperse and to go to various parts of the earth, first the last murderer in prison would have to be executed in order that each should receive his just deserts and that ââ¬Å"the people should not bear the guilt of a capital crime through failing to insist on its punishment; for if they do not do so, they can be regarded as accomplices in the public violation of justice.â⬠(Pojman, 1998, p. 29) Kant believes that the ââ¬Å"right to not be killed is a natural right which society cannot o verride and it can only be undermined by oneââ¬â¢s own immoral acts, as the criminal forfeits his right to freedom or life.â⬠(Pojman, 1998, p. 30) Kant believed that ââ¬Å"each person has intrinsic worth, based upon their ability to reason, but that we can forfeit that worth through immoral actsâ⬠(Pojman, 1998, p. 44) such that the death penalty might well be appropriate. Pojman interprets Kantââ¬â¢s position to be that ââ¬Å"a failure to punish constitutes an endorsement of the criminal act, or a form of criminal complicity after the fact.â⬠(Pojman, 1998, p. 9) Kant and his followers have three main theses they base their justification of punishment on. First, that ââ¬Å"only the guilty can be punished; that if you have committed a crime, morality demands that you suffer an evil for it; and, that the correct amount of punishment imposed upon the morally or legally guilty offender is that equal to the moral seriousness of the offense.â⬠(Pojman, 1998,
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
The Matrix Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Matrix - Essay Example When examining Platoââ¬â¢s dialogue and the film the ââ¬ËMatrixââ¬â¢ they are ostensibly diametrically opposed. One is an ancient Greek dialogue and the other is a 20th century science-fiction action film with Keanu Reeves. Still, itââ¬â¢s clear that if one examines the deeper metaphorical and philosophical significance of these texts, they share the same underlining concerns. For instance, in Platoââ¬â¢s ââ¬ËAllegory of the Caveââ¬â¢ he writes, ââ¬Å"the truth would be literally nothing but the shadows of the imagesâ⬠(Plato). One considers a parallel account in the Matrix, as humanity has been placed in a matrix by intelligent machines that have assumed control of the world. In both texts, then, humanity is only able to grasp reality through a sort of imperfect prism. Similarly, in both texts the prisoners, and Neo, experience a period of awakening as they break free of their bondage and are exposed to the world around them. In addition to the elements described above, there are a number of structural elements that are similar between the two texts. The Matrix presents a dystopian world wherein it is supposed to be much better to assume the virtual reality than grasp the deeper reality. Plato also creates a similar structure within his allegory, writing, ââ¬Å"when any of them is liberated and compelled suddenly to stand up and turn his neck roundâ⬠¦he will suffer sharp pains; the glare will distress himâ⬠(Plato). In these regards, both texts present a world where the true nature of reality is a slightly negative thing to grasp. Another similar structural, or ââ¬Ëplotââ¬â¢, element between the two works is the understanding that the individuals in both situations are prisoners. While reality the simulated reality is presented as slightly blissful, itââ¬â¢s ultimately understood that this existence is a limited and prison-like state. For
Sunday, November 17, 2019
American Women Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
American Women - Coursework Example Title IX has enabled women to compete in sports with the adequate funding that is required for those programs. Prior to Title IX, majority of the school funding was invested only in menââ¬â¢s athletics. This example could be brilliantly portrayed in the following example. Roderick Jackson, a coach for the womenââ¬â¢s basketball, had a decision to make. As a teacher, he complained about his team not receiving the proper funding as the boyââ¬â¢s team. Hence, the school retaliated by reliving of his coaching duties. Jackson took the matters in his hands and went to Supreme Court to fight his case and won. Clearly, this feat would be impossible to achieve without the advent of Title IX. Title IX has been controversial at times because it gives leverage to womenââ¬â¢s athletics, which poses a risk for colleges. Clearly, the menââ¬â¢s collegiate team reaps revenue off their teams. Although the womenââ¬â¢s side does attract some revenue; itââ¬â¢s not as hefty as the men ââ¬â¢s team. So the question remains: why invest equally in womenââ¬â¢s collegiate sports when the other side brings more revenue? In addition, the gender disparity that exists in the schools is just one of the few examples.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Effects of the Type of Training Models on Job Motivation
Effects of the Type of Training Models on Job Motivation Service industry is now focusing more and more on providing valuable training opportunities to its employees in order to improve the quality of its services and benchmarking them as its competitive advantage. This research has attempted to understand the effects of the Business Embedded Training Model and the Traditional Training Model on employees job motivation. A sample of 80 organizations and 1000 respondents was taken and Group t-Test and Log Linear Logit techniques were used to evaluate that which training model is preferred over the other by the service industry and which training model has more positive effects on employees job motivation. The study revealed that Business Embedded Training Model has more positive effects on employees motivation than the Traditional Training Model. Key words: Training, Motivation, Performance, Employee Satisfaction INTRODUCTION In nearly every modern market a large portion of the business world provides training and development opportunities to their employees to improve the level of their performances, thereby adding value to their company growth and success (McDougall Beattie, 1998). One of the noticeable issues with training is the question on why do people need training? Are they interested in training for monetary benefits/growth opportunity/self realization? Does training really impact positively on motivation? Practically all employees receive some form of training during their job. Certainly, individuals rely on training to develop their existing skill sets and to learn new proficiencies. However, to maximize the benefits of training, researchers and practitioners must know more than whether it worked. Many authors have called for greater research attention to understanding why training works. In particular, several have suggested that developing a better understanding of participants training rela ted motivation would provide useful insights into a neglected area related to training effectiveness (Mathieu, Tannenbaum Salas, 1992). Training motivation is always considered to function side by side as any one of it cannot work without the support of the other one. Knowing the relevant dimensions of employee motivational information is vital to anyone concerned with organizational performance, as it gives the ability to make objective assessments of what people expects from their employment. Whether it is formulating personal policy, strategic plans, or reengineering processes, keeping employees motivated is necessary to reach goals of productivity and efficiency (Turkiewicz, Massey Brown, 1998). The problem discussed in this paper is the Effects of Business Embedded Traditional training models on employees job motivation since the way training is provided has a very significant effect on employees job motivation. In order to address the concerned problem the following two hypotheses are tested H1: Business Embedded Training Model has a higher level of preference in the service industry than the Traditional Training Model. H2: Business Embedded Training Model has more positive effects on employees job motivation than the Traditional Training Model LITERATURE REVIEW In this new era of learning and development, organizations success and competitiveness mainly depends upon continually improving performance by reducing cost, improving and creating new products and process, enhancing quality and productivity, increasing speed to be the first to the market and all aspects of the organization must demonstrate their ability to positively impact performance (Wells, Layne Allen, 1991). Nevertheless many practices of human resource management are implied in the development of internal as well as external resources, but training is considered to be a vital activity in order to have well qualified, flexible and well prepared human capital to achieve the higher standards of performances. According to various authors, training is considered as one of the most significant processes in the Human Resources Management functions in the organizations. It plays a critical role in maintaining and developing the capabilities of both individual employees and the organ ization as a whole and in contributing to the vital process of organizational change as well. At present the business world is characterized, among other things, by an increasing competitiveness, market globalization, continual technological advances and changes in work organization; therefore, the survival of a company implies the prosecution of sustainable competitive advantages and theories placing the origin of these advantages outside the company are now losing validity in the interest of those centered on internal elements, especially the theory of resources and capacities (SaÃâà ´nchez, Arago Sanz-Valle, 2003). So keeping in view the prime importance of training, organizations triumph mainly depends upon continually improving its performance levels by making training as a permanent factor in the development of the organization so that it can demonstrate its ability to positively impact its performance. Considering the significance of training is not only important but it is also critical to know that what kind and how much of training is required for a particular job function. In considering what adequate training is, we need to determine who should be trained, what areas of training should be covered, what methods and resources can be used, and who should conduct the training (Hoff, 1970). The prime importance of training can be viewed from the point of view of a company, in a way that the employee training truly starts to pay off once it can see the impact of its investment translated into increased productivity. The value of a company automatically rises when an employee is able to successfully put into practice the skills he or she has acquired from training. Any business with the willingness to invest in employee development and training, enjoy great results and satisfactions both in the short and long terms (Valle, Martin, Romero, Dolan, 2004). Understanding the phenomenon of employee training and development requires understanding of all the changes that take place as a result of learning. As the generator of new knowledge, employee training and development is placed within a broader strategic context of human resources management. The strategic procedure of employee training and development needs to encourage creativity, ensure inventiveness and shape the entire organizational knowledge that provides the organization with uniqueness and differentiates it from the others (VemiÃââ⬠¡, 2007). Employee training and development does not mean only to obtain new knowledge, abilities and skills, but also the possibility to promote a learning culture, introduce employees to changes, encourage the changes of their approach, introduce the employees to important business decisions and involve them actively in the process of decision making (SaÃâà ´nchez, Arago Sanz-Valle, 2003). Usually, the point of training is to ensure that employees can successfully delivers of what is expected of their jobs. The business situation as of today has changed drastically, with severe strain on organizations to stay ahead of their competition through improvement enhancement (Cauwenbergh Cool, 2000). In the view of the above, in order to contribute to the companys success, training activities should help the company achieve its business strategy by developing the necessary skills and the knowledge required to raise the standard of performance of the individual employee. The link between business strategy and individual performance occurs in part through organizational capacity to create and embed people process along a number of dimensions: vertical linkage (to create alignment with short term business needs); horizontal linkage (to create cohesion); and temporary linkage (to perform to meet future needs) (Gartton, Hailey, Stiles Truss, 1999). So by linking training with th e adopted business strategies can greatly help employees to develop necessary skills and knowledge needed to perform their jobs effectively, which directly affects the required business needs and giving them such opportunities to improve and develop their businesses for future obstacles. According to various research studies, in order to train the employees the management first must create a learning culture or a learning organization and then do the transfer of training which can be described as a systemic organization which has the capacity to change adapt in difficult situations. Learning and development is usually conceived of as an individual phenomenon, and it is true that beneficiaries and practitioners can learn as individuals. If the process of organizational learning and development does not take place, organizations cannot alter/adapt to new circumstances as they develop. To avoid this state of affairs, the organizations need to explore ways to originate, motivate and en courage the learning and development not only to certain individuals but also on the part of the organization as a whole (VemiÃââ⬠¡, 2007). Explanation of the Effects of Business Embedded and Traditional Training Models on motivation: The Business Embedded Model is characterized by five competencies: Strategic Direction, Product Design, Structural Versatility, Product Delivery and Accountability for results. The most noticeable difference between the BE function and a traditional training department is its structure. Model to study the Effects of Business Embedded Traditional Training models on Motivation: Strategic Direction Program Structure Versatility Training Program Design Training Delivery Accountability for training outcomes Employee Motivation Levels [Source: S.S Mcintosh, Envisioning Virtual Training Organizations. Training Development (May 1995):47, Book (), Chapter 2, page 78-79. Please note that the above figure is modified as per the Research problem.] The traditional training organization trends to operate with a fixed staff of trainers and administrators who perform very specific functions such as instructional design. Whereas, the BE function makes sure that the training process is delivered, well communicated and the resources are shared (Noe, 1996). For the understanding of the effects of the two models, motivation is considered to be a prime cause. It helps to understand more clearly every element of the model at the strategic level, design level, delivery level, structural level and finally at the accountability of the training outcomes. (a). Strategic Direction A brief historical review of the literature suggests that many changes have taken place in the corporate orientation and strategy followed by corresponding changes in the training provided by the firms to their employees (Valle, Martin, Romero Dolan, 2000). Technological, economic, and social changes are causing organizations to depend more and more on training to accomplish their objectives. Business objectives are accomplished when training practices, procedures, and systems are developed and implemented based on organizational needs, that is, when a strategic perspective to training and development is adopted (Baird Meshoulam, 1988). In this era of continuous changes developments a flexible strategic direction of a company helps it to effectively run its activities (such as production, finance, marketing, HR others) to fulfill certain needs, objectives to reach specific goals that the organization desires. Strategic arrangement of training and development directly encourages organizational business goals and objectives. By working from a point of view of the intended strategic initiative an individual gradually learns new skills and develop new business relationships, thereby acquiring new human and social capital (Lovas Ghoshal, 2000). A strategic direction of a company should clearly communicates its objectives of training and ultimately provide solutions that could cater the real needs of the customer. To a company in order to achieve its true potential from its strategic direction, top management ensures their undivided attention (Simon, 1993). (b). Training Program Design When managing any training process, it is very important that company leaders work closely with functional departmental heads and Human Resources personnel in a systematic approach to training (SaÃâà ´nchez, Arago Sanz-Valle, 2003). A comprehensive review of the subject material (and subject matter experts) is also crucial. Goals and performance objectives must be well set, and a plan to analyze the training should be developed. Instructional materials and strategies must be acquired, prepared, and pre-tested (Rouda Kusy,1996). Designing of a training program involves a series of steps that can be grouped into stages like needs assessment, instructional objectives, design, realization and final valuation. To be effective and well-organized, all training programs must begin with a needs assessment. Long before any actual training occurs, the training manager must determine the Who, What, When, Where, Why and How of training. The training objective usually clears what goals/objectives are required to be accomplished at the conclusion of training (Lewis, 1998). Without the clarity of what is needed to be done, training efforts are at finest randomly useful and at worst, useless. The end result is the more precise picture of training needs, which can lead to a performance oriented improvement training program and better results for training (Brown, 2002). With reference to above authors it becomes very clear that it is highly essential to understand the training objectives needs that the company is aiming to develop before designing a training program. For this purpose however the main responsibility lies with the instructional designer, however HR professionals, concerned managers and even sometimes the involvement of the important clients/customers also becomes a vital aspect to ensure the success of developing a more value adding and effective training system which could contribute to the overall busine ss strategy and improved outcomes for training (Rouda Kusy, 1996). (c). Training Program Structure Versatility A training program should always be flexible enough to accommodate the changes as per the training audience. In order to structure an effective training program following guide lines must be covered: The content of the training program should be according to the job. In order to be effective, the trainer must know the common characteristics of each participant in advance, thus moderating the delivery of training more successfully. The audience of a training program should be educated to enhance their participation with the faculty and to reduce crossfire amongst them. The direction of the training must always be to convey the usage of the right method for the development of skills/knowledge/experience/ expertise, which can be job-oriented, for business development or for building culture in a right mix, suitable to the audience (Rajan, 2004). While developing a through structure for an effective training course companies should involve all the concerned parties related to training and the program must be developed in such a manner that it should accommodate/ manage resources for the best of trainees to contribute to the value adding factors of the organization. With a strong structure, the training program is more organized, flexible and the content flow is logical. The best reward out of this would be the greater increase in the motivation levels of the employees, thus enabling them to perform out of the ordinary for the betterment of the business (Milliman, Glinow Nathan, 1991). (d). Training Delivery In todays fast-paced business environment, if your employees are not learning, then the company may just be falling behind. After all, companies learn as their people do. But no matter whether organization has 5 employees or 5,000 employees, there are some tried ways to achieve and/or improve the successes yielded by those training investments (VemiÃââ⬠¡, 2007). Training needs to be executed in a manner that gives your employees the information, skills, and motivation they need to aid your organization in the achievement of its strategic goals. To do this, consider conducting a thorough needs analysis. This exercise may be time consuming but, if done correctly, should force management to look at the need for process changes (Martin, 1999). While delivering an employee training and development program it must be realized that its success mainly depends upon its proper execution, including the development of methods to identify training needs that correspond with corporate goals . If the training is targeted at achieving specific business goals, any financial considerations resulting from the training becomes indeed essential investment in the longevity of your business (VemiÃââ⬠¡, 2007). (e). Accountability for Results In todays environment of increased accountability, the training evaluation process is a critical component of an organizations training program. Organizations administering the program not only are accountable for what employees learn, they also are accountable for ensuring that employees transfer their knowledge to their work performance. While traditional training evaluation methods focus on using the assessment process to improve training delivery, information should also be collected to determine whether training is assisting the organization to improve its business performance (Carr, 1999). Evaluation methods/procedures should be determined based on the goals of the training process and should meet the demands of the various stakeholders involved. Every business has several stakeholders and not everyone within the business has the same information needs. Typically, organizational stakeholder groups include the training division, employees and other business units. Furthermore, t he participants in the training program can also play a vital role in the valuation process as well (Miller, 2008). That is why the evaluation process is not possible without the joint effort/ comments of all the concerned groups. When training is not evaluated, the investment and its effects cannot be tested and resources can be wasted in inadequate activities. Sometimes, training evaluation is avoided because it is considered as an expensive and time-consuming process. At other times, the reason is the lack of measurement systems for determining the changes arisen from training. (SaÃâà ´nchez, Arago Sanz-Valle, 2003). The training evaluation process has the potential to provide useful information to further improve the training process/ systems. It also helps in providing valuable information to the trainee, thus motivating him to further improve his performance to achieve his individual goals which ultimately contributes to the overall success of the company (Miller, 2008). Training Motivation Organizations are constantly looking for new methods of training, methods that motivate and encourage learning. To meet this challenge and provide effective training, a re-examination of the way we orchestrate training, together with an examination of our fundamental beliefs of how we consider the learner and our instructional role are required (Dwyer, 2002). Numerous studies have established that motivation has a significant impact on training outcome. To our knowledge, with the exception of one empirical study motivation has been positively linked to learning in training. Training and motivation has also been correlated with post-training satisfaction and with transfer of knowledge acquired to the work situation (Sylvie Sire, 2001). The element of employee motivation becomes very important when the management wants to develop an effective training program which could bring the desired outcomes or results (Bodimer, 2009). While designing or developing a training program that can effectively motivate employees, the companies must create a value adding training content/material and should organize the training program in such a way that it can accommodate the changes that could occur during the training course, thereby keeping it flexible to the needs for the company. As every employee brings a different set of skills and talents to a company, therefore ultimately it becomes the prime responsibility of the company to manage such valuable Human Assets by keeping them motivated through effective trainings to further develop and enhance their skill for the betterment and the success of the company (Sylvie Sire, 2001). METHODOLOGY This research paper finds out the Effects of the Type of Training Models on Employees Job Motivation. The direction is to find out the overall effectiveness of the Business Embedded and Traditional Training Model on employees job motivation levels, finally concluding to perfection in overall performance. For this purpose detailed surveys and interviews were carried out with different levels of managers. The instrument used for the data collection was a questionnaire comprising of 18 dimensions of training included in the Business Embedded Training Model developed by Mcintosh in 1995. Managers were asked about their practice related to each of the dimension and also their opinion as to how these dimensions effect the motivational level of the employees. The Cronbachs Alpha of the instrument was 0.89 and it was pretested on 20 employees working at various levels in the organizations and subject experts to assess the validity of the instrument. A sample of 80 key companies from the serv ice sector of Pakistan was taken and a total of 1000 employees of different levels were asked to fill the required questionnaire. Key points were also discussed with the managers of these companies to find out whether the training impacts employee motivation and at what levels. The software used for evaluating and interpreting the questionnaires into meaningful data for resulting analysis was Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Since the data contains only one independent variable and a dependent variable therefore a Group t-Test and Log Linear Logit techniques were used to test the two hypotheses. The Group t-Test technique was used to determine the comparison between the two models and the Log linear Logit technique was used because there were more than two categories present in the data. Note: All the above statements have been tested at 5% significant level. The p-value is P Through the analysis it is revealed that there is a significant effect of Business Embedded Training model on the level of employees motivation. The reason is that the Business Embedded Model allows the companies to achieve the benefit of centralized training but at the same time ensuring that the training programs, their substance the delivery techniques should meet the specific needs of the business. The statistical interpretations given above show the level of significance of each training model, the acceptance and rejection of result depends upon the significance level i.e. p > 0.05 is not acceptable where as p CONCLUSION This study indicates that the Business Embedded Training Models does have a significant impact on employee motivation. The Business Embedded Training Model has a more positive impact on employees motivation as compared to Traditional Training Model. It takes more responsibility for learning and evaluating the training effectiveness, providing customized solutions of training according to the customers needs and determining when, where and how to deliver training. Similar to other studies our data also indicates that Business Embedded Training is being practiced more in todays corporate world because it allows the companies to gain the benefits of centralized training but at the same time ensures that the training can provide programs, content and the delivery methods that meet the needs of the specific businesses. It not only views trainees as customers but also the managers as customers who make decisions to send employees for training. Motivation is an important factor in comparing the two models; it basically decides which one of the two training models has more positive effect on motivation, leading to elite performance levels. It significantly helps to understand the practicality and the usage of the two models in terms of the business strategic direction, training design, effective delivery, training program structure versatility and the accountability for training outcomes. By studying the effects of the two models on motivation it is now very clear that, it has greatly help to determine and even bench mark the training practices which could benefit the overall success of the company and employees can also benefit from it by further developing their talents/skills and realizing their true potential for the betterment of the company. RECOMMENDATIONS More and more companies should now focus their efforts on adopting the Business Embedded Model of training as compared to Traditional Training methods which can greatly help them to achieve better results by spending lesser money, effort and time. As the Business Embedded approach allows the companies to gain the benefits of centralized training but at the same time ensures that the training programs, content and the delivery methods must meet the needs of specific businesses. The Business Embedded training model is actually more practical in usage because it smoothly facilitates the process of learning by making the content /material easy to understand and customizes it to the extent of applicability, which provides the participants more alternatives to enhance their skills for the betterment of their careers. Another significant aspect of this research indicates what is highly recommended by a number of senior managers that by giving the training participants more options for learn ing can help immensely to improve their motivation towards their own career development.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
The River Between Us vs The Movie Gone with the Wind :: Richard Peck
The book The River Between Us by Richard Peck was interesting, it talks and describes the different events that happened to Tilley the main character. The movie Gone With the Wind was easier to understand because it showed the different characters. Just as the book, the movie Gone With the Wind also describes the different events that happened in the life of Scarlett, the main character. Even though the book and the movie are different because they describe the life of two different women, they are similar because their lives were effected by the Civil War. In the book The River Between Us by Richard Peck, Tilly tells her story of the experiences throughout the war and how in her younger years she lived in a small town called Grand Tower, with her mother, her sister Cassie, and her twin-brother Noah. Tilley?s sister has visions of the past that had happened. The most resent vision that Cassie saw was the one of the dead and the dying, they were some young boys, being torn apart, blue and gray. This vision was different because it was the first vision for the future that Cassie saw. This shows that Cassie could see the war coming before it actually happened. Her bother Noah joined the war, even though he knew his mother would be worried and try to bring him back as soon as she could. Since Tilley?s mother was so worried about Noah she gave Tilley a lot more responsibility and sent Tilley to find her brother. This book is very unique because Tilley had a gifted sister and a brave brother and Tilley who was their to help them. In the movie Gone With the Wind, Scarlett, the main character was a woman with many struggles in her life. She lived on a farm with her father, her mother, and her slaves but when she left to go help the wounded, the Yankees came to her house and used it as a base camp. The Yankees took all of Scarlett?s family?s food, crops, and animals. Also while Scarlett was gone her mother got sick. Once Scarlett came back to her farm (Terra) her mother was dead. When the war ended her family was too poor to pay the taxes so she married Frank, a rich businessman, so she could pay the taxes. After her husband died she remarried a richer man named Rhett and they had a child named Bonnie.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
IB Economics Commentary â⬠Australia MPs Pass Carbon Tax Essay
The Australian government will bring in one of the worldââ¬â¢s biggest carbon emissions trading schemes after MPs passed two bills by senators that are expected to vote into law in November. A carbon tax is an environmental tax levied on the carbon content of fuels. A negative externality of production occurs when the production of a good or service creates external costs that are damaging to third parties. This is mainly related to the environmental problems. Figure 1. Negative Externality of Production for Carbon Emission Figure 1 shows if the government is not intervening and the market is determined by only supply and demand, known as free market, the marginal private costs of the firm are below the marginal social cost because there is an extra cost to society caused by pollution. Pollution includes increase in fossil fuel burning, which would release CO2 into the atmosphere and the loss of carbon sinks. Also, it is said that CO2 emissions harm oceanââ¬â¢s ability to absorb carbon. The firm will only be concerned with its private costs and will produce at Q1. It is not producing at the socially efficient output, where the marginal social cost is equal to the marginal social benefit. This means that at a price of p* from figure 1 would create Q*. The community surplus is not maximized due to the effects of pollution, since it is causing a negative consequence. One way government policies may counter the problem is to tax the firm in order to increase the firmââ¬â¢s private costs. The carbon tax aims to cut Australiaââ¬â¢s emissions by 5% from year 2000 levels by the year 2020, and bring emissions down 80% by 2050. The tax requires the countryââ¬â¢s 500 biggest polluters to pay A$23 per tonne for their carbon emissions. Figure 2: Taxing a Negative Externality of Production for Carbon Emission Figure 2 shows when the government decided to tax that will help the economy, there is still a welfare lose, but it is less than under the free market with no government intervention. The pink color shading shows the welfare loss before the tax and the red color shading shows the welfare loss after taxing, which clearly shows it would reduce the deadweight burden, but not eliminate it completely. It is suggested that government should counter the externality to increase welfare. In this case, stakeholders include firms, labors, and households. Firms are the increase cost, labors refer to the consideration of losing job and households refer to the price level that is rising. If government chose not to tax, the economy would most likely to run in a short term, since there is too much welfare loss. However, government chose to tax the negative externality of production, which the economy could run in long-term. The higher the government tax, the less welfare loss will result. Also, households will be compensated for rising prices due to the carbon tax. The government concluded with the plan to turn the economy into a tradable emission permits schemes. However, this is certainly not the best choice since it doesnââ¬â¢t lead to the reduction of pollution once allowable limit has been set and government might not have the data of the total level of pollution and it is very difficult to measure a firmââ¬â¢s pollution output. To conclude my evaluation, apply taxation added to the economy is the most suitable choice government should make. It is suggested in the article, however, not their final decision. Firms are the increase cost, labors refer to the consideration of losing job and households might consider rearranging the price level and firms should consider about increasing cost, which not a lot of people could afford. The other choices take time to plan and have to consider a lot of consequences. However, taxing is not easy as well. It could be difficult to measure accurately the pollution created, but it does help reduce the welfare loss, which already is improving. Peter Hoeller and Markku Walli, Autumn 1991, Energy Prices, Taxes and Carbon Dioxide Emissions [online] OECD Economic Studies No. 17. Available at: Tom Marshall, February 3 2009, CO2 Emissions harm Oceanââ¬â¢s ability to absorb carbon [online] Natural Environment Research Council. Available at:
Friday, November 8, 2019
The Sheffield Park Hotel Essays
The Sheffield Park Hotel Essays The Sheffield Park Hotel Essay The Sheffield Park Hotel Essay Customer service can be a useful tool for increasing business as it can help your customer feel more appreciated. They will therefore make ohter people aware for your business by giving them good positive feedback and encouraging them to use the hotel themselves goods customer service will also encourage customers to return to the in the future. Report of Sheffield park hotel. Sheffield park hotel is a 4 star hotel in the south of sheffield situated on the A61 Chesterfield Rd south. There are 95 rooms in the hotel and it is close to the peak district and within easy reach of chatsworth house and also near to the meadow hall shopping centre.The hotel is within a few miles of the major M1 motorway. There are ohter attractions near to the hotel in duding a traditional museum which comprises a fascinating collection of artefacts housed in small reconstructed workshop representing typical local trades. A mong the facilities that sheffield park hotel offers are free parking,a child friendly policy,a health and fitness club, newly refurbished restaurant and a cocktail bar called the huntsman bar.In the sheffield park hotel comes a lot of differents customers some of them comes for the business and some are weekend travelers and some come only for the peak district and most are tourists and they come from far away to have a look in sheffield and most of them staty in Sheffield Park hotel because it is a nice hotel with a very good customer service and also offer many fa cilities to the tourists. Not all the customers stay at the hotel but they also enjoy the restaurants or the Huntsman bar which is nice for people who just want to have fun and enjoy themselves.P3.How does the organisation deal with complaints? Customers are essential to every hotel because their payments are the income, or revenue of the hotel. Without customers he sfeffield park hotel would eventually close down. When the customers buy goods or services they expect them to be good quality. The more they pay the better quality they expect. The customer also expect staff to give prompt attention and service, be polite and helpfull to concentrade on their specific needs offer extra services that will help them. The purpose of customer service is to fulfill their expectations make them feel important and provide a rangeof services which will meet their needs both now and in the future.Providing information. The type of information required by customers can wory. It is foubtful if any customoer service assistant could answer every possible query immediately and most customers realise his. The main point is how the query is deatt with.a friendly smile, a promise to find out quickly is for more important than being a walking encyclopedia.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Advertisement for Disneyland Paris Essays
Advertisement for Disneyland Paris Essays Advertisement for Disneyland Paris Paper Advertisement for Disneyland Paris Paper Question: This is an advertisement for Disneyland Paris. How does the writer try to persuade the reader that Disneyland Paris is an attractive holiday resort for families?Ã To analyse how the writer tries to persuade the reader that Disneyland Paris is an attractive holiday resort for families I must first assess how the layout and presentational devices make it seem attractive. Firstly there are mainly pictures rather than a lot of text which is good for children because it is easy to convey the message of how wonderful and amazing Disneyland is, through the images to the children. Children do not like to read through lots of text or may not want to. The images are bright and bold especially the centre image of the Kingdom. It looks very powerful and amazing, especially when compared to the size of the people around it. The effect of this element of the image on the reader is that children especially will be in awe of the Kingdom just from looking at the image. The Kingdom draws your attention to the article and the people are bustling rather than busy so this would attract parents who want an exciting but relaxing holiday. All of the families and groups of people look to be having a fun and enjoyable time which creates a free and happy atmosphere where the reader knows that they wont be judged by race and they can have a good time without the usual day to day worries. Each picture creates a different atmosphere appealing to different members of the family which gives the idea that the article is targeted at families because families will have members of varying age range and interests. The image makers are anticipating that their target audience which is mainly children, will expect Disneyland to be a place where dreams come true and this expectation is met through the pictures of the space mountain and Kingdom of Dreams. In both of these pictures the children look to be having the time of their life on the rides, they are all smiling and enjoying the Disneyland experience promised to the reader through both the text and images. The title is very eye catching and seems to sum up the whole of the article. Your Kingdom of Dreams. The most important paragraph at the top left hand corner of the article is also eye catching and draws the attention of the reader because it uses a bold and italic font. Secondly to analyse how the writer persuades the reader that it is an attractive holiday resort for families we must assess how and why specific examples of persuasive language are used. The first paragraph tries to persuade the reader that Disneyland is an amazing place. The writer does this by using vivid vocabulary and powerful adjectives. Such as treasure chest of fantasy. This is also emotive language because it evokes the feeling of happiness and enjoyment. The treasure chest of fantasy also gives the idea that Disneyland Paris is whatever the reader wants it to be. This persuades the reader into going visiting just to experience this fantasy if nothing else. Another powerful persuasive phrase used is a dazzling array of attractions, adventure and sights. This persuades the reader into visiting Disneyland because they want to experience the dazzling sights and the children want to have adventures amongst their favourite Disney characters, also because the phrase uses assonance it sticks in the mind of the reader. The Paragraph under the Main Street USA conveys to the reader the amazing atmosphere to be enjoyed there. The writer has used imagery to evoke a mental picture of the Street to the audience by using phrases such as Music fills the air, horse drawn street cars and quaint shops and restaurants reflecting the char, of turn of the century America. A rhetorical question is also used to persuade you into booking that dream holiday and exploring the wonder of Disneyland. Which will you explore next? It invites the readers to come and explore and find out for themselves what it is like. Which will you explore next? The writer is also assuming that the reader will definitely visit Disneyland because it says which one will you explore next? and not which one would you explore next or which one would you explore if you came to Disneyland? The last thing which I must assess when analysing how the writer tries to persuade the reader that Disneyland is an attractive resort for families, is how successful the advert is in appealing to both children and parents. It appeals to children with the language which it uses and adults are happy if their children are. But equally there are elements in the text which appeal to adults and therefore it is successful in appealing to both groups of people and therefore to families It appeals to children through the text and language used because a lot of it is easy to read and the writer uses simple but effective adjectives which provoke imaginative thoughts and dreams for the child. For example dream and amazing and dazzling. Another way in which the text appeals to children is the phrase Ride it if you dare! This is very cleverly used by the writer because it is an invitation to the child to see whether they are brave enough and this is a powerful device which is likely to be of importance to the child. They can show off to their friends about how brave they were at Disneyland. The kingdom is also like a fairytale castle and magical place. The children can relate to this from their storybooks and other things they have experienced. The parents can relate to the images because especially on the main image there are more adults than children and this is comforting to them because they can see that parents can enjoy the Disney experience as well as children. The parents can also relate to the text as the children may not understand some of the more complex vocabulary and this is obviously aimed at the parents. The prices would appeal to the parents because they would probably be within a budget and would be interested in the value for money and choice of meals. The parents would also be more interested in the quaint shops and restaurants reflecting the charm of turn of the century America because the children will not be interested in the history they will only be interested in the excitement of the place. Where as the history is more of a theme which the adults will be interested in.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Human Cloning Philosophy by Aristotle Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Human Cloning Philosophy by Aristotle - Essay Example In this paper, we shall highlight the ideas and philosophical concepts of Aristotle about human cloning practices. When in Switzerland the first clone of sheep that was named Dolly made many individuals consider it against human ethics and they believed that such practices contribute to devaluing the natural processes of childbirth. Aristotle has opposed practices of human cloning and supported his thoughts with the claims of psychological influences of human cloning (Aristotle). He explained that babies, who are produced through artificial means by utilizing cells of a single parent, remained deprived of the love of both parents. When they see other children around them with mother and father both they become a victim of complex and depression (Aristotle). Additionally, he highlighted that there is a risky situation for the mother who gives her cells for artificial reproduction process because the procedure of taking out cells from mother`s body is dangerous for her health as well as for the embryo, which is used to making a genetically identical copy of the mother (Aristotle). Moreover, human c loning goes against the natural system and authority of childbirth that has been given to men and women by the God within the boundaries of the legal relationship. However, an advanced system of making human clones or reproduction of test tube babies has degraded rights of men and women and has interrupted the God made procedures of baby production (Aristotle). Aristotle has also supported such claims because he has presented his philosophy that totally disagrees with the ethical nature of human cloning. His philosophy explicitly highlights that human cloning is unethical because unfair and painful means are used to give birth to the baby (Aristotle). He considered that methods of human cloning are bad and it is evident from the first experiment of sheep cloning, which employed more than a hundred scientists to work day andà night in order to make an experiment of cloning successful.Ã
Friday, November 1, 2019
D'Andrea Special Occasion Baskets Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
D'Andrea Special Occasion Baskets - Essay Example Me and my partner plans to open a retail shop of gift baskets located storefront in our local shopping mall as well as a virtual storefront on the Web. We envision our shop to be the most up-to-date, fastest, most accessible and the most outstanding gift basket shop in the whole area. Our store will boost of everything that our clients want-from birthday, funeral, Thanksgiving or just a mere "Thank You" gift basket. Every time a new client enters the shop, that person should feel as if they are transported into a new dimension. The store will be filled with 20th century charm but surrounded with the comfort of 21st century since my partner and I are not new in the retailing industry. Me and my partner already ventured into other business like flower shops, merchandising and clothes retailing. Since college, I have already envisioned myself in the retailing business. Since then, I have designed and became a partner for many companies until I met my new partner just two years ago. From that time on, we started to build small companies. And this gift basket business is the latest addition to our companies. We have realized that the gift basket business is somewhat new to our locality; that is why; we have decided to come up with this idea. With this situation, every advantage is on our side. For starters, we plan to be the number one and leading gift basket retailer shopping shop in the area. We plan to do this by extensive promotions on the area and on the Internet. We would hand out fliers and do promotions on the radio and local newspapers. We will also put a site exclusively devoted to our shop and business. We will put up big banners all over the mall. We will go to different orphanages, houses and business establishments to promote our gift basket business. Secondly, the main ambiance of the shop and the gift baskets would that be of old American countryside. The shop would be mainly decorated with wood and scents of the American countryside. This would be e mulated in our "general" gift basket. Although our clients will be ordering varying gift baskets for certain occasions, our old American touch would still be felt in every gift basket that they order. Every gift basket will have that special touch. As part of our long term goal, our company shall be the pioneering gift basket retail shop that introduces flair and tribute to the old American countryside through its gift baskets. As you might have realized by now, we have a very specific and good vision for our business and we want you to be a part of it. Frankly, we just have enough money to serve as the start-up capital of our retail shop but it is not enough to subsidize for other finances that we need like maintenance, promotional budgets, etc. Due to these, we would like you to be an investor in our company. According to our feasibility, it is one of the most promising businesses that is available in our area. We have also learned from our feasibility that in two years time, we c an already regain our capital; and in five years time, our projected income will be triple as compared from our starting capital. As part of our business, you would be entitled to every 10% of our monthly income to reimburse your investment. After we have paid the money, you will still be a partner of our shop. You can help
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